As if I knew the plan! Woke up at 9, got ready right away, went for breakfast with Dad, Mirra and Mabel and didn't come home.
I was damn blardy cold, wanted to ask them to lower down the fan speed when Mirra said "Look, you can't coz every numbers are gone!" WTH! takda otak man these people sometimes...
Okay, dont wanna get angry with mamak. You know where I went?! Haha - To the Plants Nurseries!
Honestly, it was real fun doing that in the morning. Furthermore, weather was perfecto; not sunny, not rainy but a fresh chilly breeze and windy :D Aaaahhh blissful!
Dad wanted to buy some trees or big plants for our garden. Its super barren now and let me tell you, the look of my house isn't even inviting man. Thanks to dad who hasn't got any green-hands at all..The minute he touches the plants, everything withers and dies...Yea, that's HOW bad :D
There, I went to admire at one tree which looks very nice, when I flipped over the price tag, it writes RM3, 500. Immediately the tree looks stupid to me already...
Didn't get anything yet but got some ideas to decorate soon.
I. Went. To. One. Utama. Again.!
Yes I agree, very lifeless but had to pass time u see...:P
Bought 2 boxers from Padini and a top from Forever 21! Its the 2nd last day of sales. Many rushed and pushed and bashed. Viral invasion increased.
But you know dungu marketing strategy, now they're putting up signage which reads 'Special Promotion for Merdeka Day'. Yea, whatever la..sales do not plan to end yet. So, Chill...:)
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